Monday, July 16, 2007

once a month

so i was leaving a cleaning party, on my way home. about .5 miles from the house, i hit a deer.

there were three grazing to the side of the road on my right, but i couldnt see them, as there was a curve in the road id yet to pass. as i did, i saw them and they saw me and scattered...much like deer in headlights do...

two continued right, but one doubled back just as i was about to pass - i slammed the break, but maybe only slowed from 40 to 15 before impact. it kind of bounced off, then its knee buckled and it fell kind of in a weird religious pose and slid back from the car for about 20 ft or so. then it got right back up and kind of ran away....

total weirdness.

ps. there was one time i ran over a cat on the highway.


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